Jack Tomlinson

John Michael Tomlinson Jr. (aka Jack)

I am a Berlin-based (psycho)linguist andss speech/data scientist. I also dabble in science journalism and deep south BBQ. In my research, I have examined how people understand pragmatic inferences such as:

(1) A:Were John and Mary at the party? B: John was there (= Mary was not there)

While people understand these inferences quite seemlessly, Speech AI systems often struggle with these inferences without access to prior information. In addition to my work on human language prossesing, I see Speech AI as a way to further test and explore mechanisms underpinning pragmatic infereces.

You can find out more about my research on my old ZAS page or below:

Serious stuff

Less serious stuff

  • Smoker bike - (under development)
  • Stuck in Berlin Podcast! - (under development)